INCF Neuroinformatics Assembly 2023
Uniting neuroscience standards, software, and infrastructure developers to advance Transparent FAIR Neuroinformatics. Topics include interpretable AI/ML, data sharing, FAIR knowledge graphs, EDI transparency, and FAIR tools.
Session 3 (12:00 PM EDT) is free of charge and will take place virtually through Zoom. Click Here
Session 1: A FAIR roadmap for knowledge graphs and ontologies
Monday, 8:30 AM EDT
SPARC community members Fahim Imam, PhD and Jeff Grethe, PhD will be speaking.
Session 3: Streamlining Cross-Platform Data Integration: Processes and Solutions for Rapidly Developing an Integrated Workflow Across Independent Systems for the US BRAIN Initiative Cell Census
Key Note: Maryann Martone, (UCSD) Mike Hawrylycz (Allen Institute), Anita Bandrowski (UCSD, SciScrunch, Inc.), Owen White (University of Maryland), GQ Zhang (UT Health), Joost Wagenaar (SPARC), Moderator: Bing-Xing Huo
Monday, 12:00 PM EDT
This workshop is designed as a forum for neuroscientists, data scientists, and software engineers to come together and discuss the challenges, lessons, strategies and best practices of cross-platform neuroscience data integration. Participants will also share and communicate on software tools and infrastructure solutions that support efficient data integration, such as data management systems, data integration platforms, cloud computing, and APIs.
The workshop will cover topics at ecosystem level such as standardization, governance, and success metrics drawing from recent experience. The challenge in these projects was to quickly develop an end-to-end system to support the specific requirements of these consortia from systems that were developed independently. Projects like these present the ultimate use cases for FAIR, as FAIR practices should greatly reduce the barrier to integration and increase the usability of the data. This event is free of charge and will take place virtually through Zoom. Join here.
Panel Discussion: Jesse Gillis (University of Toronto), Yaroslav Halchenk (Dartmouth), Lydia Ng (Allen Institute), Hanchuan Peng (SEU), Alex Ropelewski (Carnegie Mellon University), Carol Thompson (Allen Insitute), Moderator: Patrick Ray
Presenting Research at INCF 2023?
Send us your presentation details for inclusion below. Be sure to indicate if the research was funded by the NIH SPARC Program!
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