Quilted Tutorials

SPARC Codeathon
Yuda Munarko
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SPARC FAIR Codeathon Showcase 2022, 3rd Prize, $7,000 USD

The Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC) program is supported by the NIH Common Fund to provide a scientific and technological foundation for future bioelectronic medicine devices and protocols. The initiative is made up of over 60 research teams scattered around the globe, all working together on a common objective. The entire project is Open Source and follows the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) guidelines for data management.

In 2021, the amazing team of the Data and Resource Center (DRC) organised a Codeathon to improve various elements of the SPARC program. In 2022, they've done it again!

In our project, we have designed an online hub and populated it with tutorials to showcase how tools within the SPARC ecosystem can be combined to achieve unified workflows. Each tutorial is contained within an individual Jupyter Notebook. The website is made from Hugo and hosted on Github Pages from the SPARC-guru repository of the Quilted Tutorials organisation.

Quilted Tutorial #1: Mapping 2D Data to 3D organ Scaffolds

Quilted Tutorial #2: Resampling a dataset for simulations

Team: Omkar Athavale (Auckland Bioengineering Institute), Yuda Munarko (Auckland Bioengineering Institute), Mathias Roesler (Auckland Bioengineering Institute), Niloofar Shahidi (Auckland Bioengineering Institute), Kenneth Tran (Auckland Bioengineering Institute)