SPARC Antibody Labeling Database: Colonic enteric nervous system

SPARC Antibody Resource Table
Pu-Qing Yuan
Contact Email
Funding Program(s)

The antibody tables serve as a reference to assess the suitability of antibodies to be used in immunostaining with different colonic preparations including whole mount preparations of enteric plexus, CLARITY cleared intact samples and/or cryostat sections of the colon. Additional information, including images and detailed experimental protocols, are available from the Wang et al. (2021), Yuan et al. (2022) and Brookes et al. (2022) deposited in SPARC for mouse, pig and human respectively.The testing was performed in PI’s laboratories involved in the SPARC grant 1OT2OD024899-01 “Comprehensive Structural and Functional Mapping of Colonic Nervous System”.

Antibody Table for Human Colon

The docs file directory for each dataset also contains additional helpful files to interpret the results. Files may be viewed online using Microsoft Office by clicking on the icon next to the download button. You can also explore the dataset further, e.g., find images, using the navigation aids. Cite as: Brookes, S., Schemann, M., Yuan , P.-Q., Sternini, C., Mazzuoli-Weber, G., Humenick, A., Chen, N., Bains, M., & Tache, Y. (2022). Antibodies tested in the colon – Human (Version 1) [Data set]. SPARC Consortium.

Contact: Simon Brookes,

Antibody Table for Porcine Colon

The docs file directory for each dataset also contains additional helpful files to interpret the results. Files may be viewed online using Microsoft Office by clicking on the icon next to the download button. You can also explore the dataset further, e.g., find images, using the navigation aids. Cite as: Yuan , P.-Q., Mazzuoli-Weber, G., Schemann, M., Sternini, C., Bains, M., & Tache, Y. (2022). Antibodies tested in the colon - Pig (Version 1) [Data set]. SPARC Consortium.

Contact: Pu-Qing Yuan,

Antibody Table for Mouse Colon

The docs file directory for each dataset also contains additional helpful files to interpret the results. Files may be viewed online using Microsoft Office by clicking on the icon next to the download button. You can also explore the dataset further, e.g., find images, using the navigation aids. Cite as: Wang, L., Yuan , P.-Q., Gould, T., & Tache, Y. (2021). Antibodies tested in the colon – Mouse (Version 1) [Data set]. SPARC Consortium.

Contact: Lixin Wang,

Figs. VAChT and hpChAT in SMP of human sigmoid colon (1)

The figures illustrate the double immunostaining with the combination of vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) antibody to label extrinsic/intrinsic (red arrows) and human peripheral choline acetyltransferase (hpChAT) antibody to label selectively intrinsic innervation (green arrows) in the inner submucosal plexus (A) and in outer submucosal plexus (B) of human sigmoid. This allows us to simultaneously visualize the extrinsic and intrinsic cholinergic innervation in the human colon.

Read the Community Spotlight story about this effort here

Full dataset references

Brookes, S., Schemann, M., Yuan , P.-Q., Sternini, C., Mazzuoli-Weber, G., Humenick, A., Chen, N., Bains, M., & Tache, Y. (2022). Antibodies tested in the colon – Human (Version 1) [Data set]. SPARC Consortium.

Yuan , P.-Q., Mazzuoli-Weber, G., Schemann, M., Sternini, C., Bains, M., & Tache, Y. (2022). Antibodies tested in the colon - Pig (Version 1) [Data set]. SPARC Consortium.

Wang, L., Yuan , P.-Q., Gould, T., & Tache, Y. (2021). Antibodies tested in the colon – Mouse (Version 1) [Data set]. SPARC Consortium.