SPARC Seminar Series: Dr. Asta Arendt-Tranholm

Dr. Asta Arendt-Tranholm presents Characterizing novel RNA isoforms using long-read sequencing in the human dorsal root ganglia from organ donors, as part of the SPARC Seminar Series.





April 2, 2025



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Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 3:00-4:00 ET

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Characterizing novel RNA isoforms using long-read sequencing in the human dorsal root ganglia from organ donors

Presenter: Asta Arendt-Tranholm, PhD

Pain Neurobiology Research Group, Center for Advanced Pain Studies, University of Texas at Dallas

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About the Seminar

Splicing, a post-transcriptional mechanism, generates RNA isoforms from the same gene, contributing to functionally important transcriptional diversity. In this seminar, Asta Arendt-Tranholm will detail the application of PacBio long-read sequencing to characterize the isoforms expressed in the human peripheral nervous system. The goal of this research was to create a resource to identify novel isoforms of functionally relevant genes associated with somatosensation and nociception. Tissue recovered from human organ donors was used to create a publicly available resource, intended for the identification of potential targets for the development of pain therapeutics.

After this presentation, the video will be available on the SPARC YouTube Channel.

Research Contributions
transcriptomics600 Long read sequencing of human dorsal root ganglia Contributed dataset
expApproachSPARC Beyond the Code: Exploring the Influence of RNA Splicing on Pain Pathways Long-read sequencing of transcripts creates a database of RNA isoforms found in the human dorsal root ganglion SPARC Story
Precision Logo Human Pain Network Human Nociceptor and Spinal Cord Molecular Signature Center University of Texas, Dallas
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