SPARC — bridging the body and the brain

The SPARC Portal is an open neuroscience and systems physiology platform containing multi-species data, knowledge, computational modeling and spatial mapping. Share your data and models to drive development of treatments that change lives.

What Can I Do With SPARC?
Browse, View, and Get Data and Models
Freely use curated experimental data, protocols, and models of the peripheral nervous system.
View 2D and 3D Anatomical Maps
Discover relationships and datasets with interactive connectivity maps featuring different species.
Create Computational Pipelines
Connect to the o²S²PARC platform to build and explore modeling and data analysis pipelines.
Contribute to the Community
SPARC accepts data, devices, and models about the PNS and is compliant with the 2023 NIH Data Sharing Mandate.

Resources & Datasets
Here is a resource you might be interested in:
Scaffold Mapping Tools
A collection of tools to enable mapping SPARC data to organ scaffolds. Delivered through a scaffold mapping tool release of MAP Client.
View All Tools & Resources
Featured Datasets
opencor-py model
Computes the cardiac myocyte action potential for the sympathetic drive input setting on the MAP-Core portal. Caption: Illustration of a whole body flatmap (centre) and central nervous system map (left) with a neural pathway highlighted.
View All Datasets

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